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All new athletes and parents/guardians must read and accept the Manitoba Thunder Constitution.

Constitution of the Manitoba Thunder Fastpitch Club


    1.1  Name

    1.2  Mission Statement

    1.3  Objectives

    1.4  Definitions



      2.1  Composition

     2.2  Executive

     2.3  Team Representatives

     2.4  Resignations and Replacements

     2.5  Committees

     2.6  Responsibilities of the Executive



     3.1  Annual General Meeting

     3.2  Special General Meetings

     3.3  Board Meetings

     3.4  Committee Meetings

     3.5  Voting Privileges

     3.6  Quorums

     3.7  Robert’s Rules of Order



      4.1  Execution of Documents

     4.2  Fiscal Year

     4.3  Financial Responsibilities

     4.4  Amendments to the Constitution

     4.5  Amendments to the Policies and Procedures Manual

     4.6  Interpretation  




1.1   Name

The name of the Organization is the MANITOBA THUNDER FASTPITCH CLUB, also known as Manitoba Thunder. Thunder or MTFC, and referred to herein as “the Organization” or “the Club”. The Organization was formerly known as “Blue Thunder” and “Manitoba Fastpitch Club”.


1.2   Mission Statement

The Manitoba Thunder Fastpitch Club is committed to develop, encourage and promote Softball for the enjoyment of all Manitobans through the provision of programs, services and resources that inform, educate and teach skills. The focus of the program is excellence from both a developmental and competitive perspective. It is our mission to develop in a positive environment, focusing on core skills while ensuring appropriate practice to game ratios. MTFC is a 100% volunteer and not-for-profit organization.


1.3  Objectives

       The Organization shall conduct its affairs in accordance with the following objectives:


  1. To promote and enhance the stability and growth of the Organization.

  2. To maximise athletic and academic opportunities for the players within the Organization.

  3. To provide a competitive and safe athletic environment that respects all members of the Organization, players, coaches and administrators.


1.4  Definitions

Board                  The Board as defined in Article 2.2.2


Executive            The elected Executive as defined in Article 2.2


Team Representatives     The designated representatives for each team as defined in Article 2.3

Members           Players, parents, coaches and managers are automatically members of MTFC. Membership commences                                   with a player’s initial acceptance to a team and terminates when the player resigns from the Organization                                 or is notified that she will not be selected to a team in the upcoming season.


                           Membership in the MTFC will be considered for any other person wishing to be involved with the                                                     Organization and willing to comply with the constitution and policies of the MTFC.


                           Membership entitles the individual to attend and speak at General Meetings and to be treated in                                                   accordance with the Constitution and  Policies and Procedures of the Organization.




2.1    Composition


         The Board shall govern the affairs of the Organization.


2.2    The Executive


The Executive consists of the following members elected for a two(2) year term at the Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting:



Vice President




Director of Player & Coach Development


Members elected on even calendar years: President, Secretary & Registrar Members elected on odd calendar years: Vice President, Treasurer & Director of Player & Coach Development


2.2.1  Members of the Manitoba Thunder Coaching Staff are eligible to serve on the Executive.


2.2.2  The Board shall be comprised of the six (6) Executive members plus one voting representative from each team in good standing plus the Director of Procurement and the Director of Fundraising.


2.2.3  Only one(1) family member will be allowed to serve on the Board. Under unusual circumstances another family member may be appointed or elected by the Board for the duration of the current season. 

2.3  Team Representatives


    The manager of each current team in good standing shall serve as the team representative on the Board. In addition to        the manager, the team must appoint a Team Representative, someone other than a coach, who will act as follows;

  • Assistant to the Team Manager and will assume the duties of the manager in his/her absence.

  • Attend Board Meetings, and may in the absence/discretion of the manager carry the team vote.

  • Serve as liaison between players, parents and the team's coaching staff.


2.3.1  Teams exist from the time a Head Coach is chosen until the end of the team’s playing season.


2.4   Resignations and Replacements


Executive members may resign upon written notice to the board’s President or Vice-President. In the event that an Executive member resigns, is suspended, or is otherwise unable to complete their elected term, the Board may, at its discretion, call a meeting to elect a replacement for the duration of the term.


2.4.1  In the event that the Head Coach of a team resigns, is suspended, or otherwise unable to complete their term, the Board may, at its discretion, appoint a new Head Coach.


2.5 Committees


      The Executive will create the following standing committees on a yearly basis:


Procurement Committee

This committee should consist of a minimum of two volunteers, to be determined following the yearly AGM held prior to December 31st each year. 

  1. Responsible for the co-ordination and purchase of team uniforms and clothing.

  2. Responsible for overseeing the online optional clothing store, Entripy, addressing any issues that arise and ensuring timely payment from the webstore rebates.

  3. Arrange for winter training facilities, including obtaining and administering permits as required in conjunction with the Coach/Player Development Committee.

  4. Negotiates and administers all expenditures, sharing this information with the Treasurer & President within 30 days of receipt.


Fundraising Committee

This committee should consist of a minimum of two volunteers, to be determined following the yearly AGM held prior to December 31st each year. 

  1. Establishes and administers the major fundraising events of the Organization in conjunction with the Board.

  2. Provides the Board with an accounting of the events.

  3. Delivers all monies and supporting documentation to the Treasurer within 30 days of event completion, for reporting to the individual team or Organization in its entirety. 


Coach/Player Development Committee

  1. Establish an annual Player Development Program in consultation with the Director of Player & Coach Development.

  2. Determines clinicians required and arranges for the same.

  3. Prepare schedules for all Player Development Programs.

  4. Coordinate team tournaments.

  5. College Advisory. 


2.5.1  The Board may create other such committees as deemed necessary to properly conduct the business of the Organization.


2.5.2  All committees shall include a member of the Executive.

2.6  Responsibilities of the Executive   



  1. Chairs Board/Executive/Special Meetings.

  2. Exercise the powers of the Executive in the case of an emergency (with the consent of two other members of the Board).

  3. Prepare and review an annual operating budget for the Association, with the assistance of the Treasurer and Vice-President in conjunction with the Board.

  4. Represents MTFC at various meetings and events.

  5. Signing authority for the Organization along with the Treasurer and one other Executive member.

  6. Attends Softball Manitoba meetings and carries the Organizations vote.



  1.  In the absence of the President, or in the event of his/her inability to act, shall have and exercise all  the powers of the President.

  2.  May act as a signing officer for the Organization.

  3.  Assist in the preparation and review an annual operating budget for the Organization.

  4.  Assist the Registrar in performing his/her duties. 


  1. Receive all monies payable to the Organization and keep the same on deposit in a financial institution in the name of the Organization.

  2. Receive and record all receivables, payables.

  3. Pay all accounts payable approved by the Board. All expenditures identified in the annual budget are considered to be approved. Any expenditure which exceeds, or was not included in the annual budget must be approved by the Board.

  4. Payments made by cheque will be signed in all cases a combination of any of the  following two Executive Members, Treasurer, President or alternate Executive member.

  5. Keep proper books of accounts and make them available to the Executive/Board at each meeting or on special request, and maintain all supporting documentation of revenue and expenses.

  6. Take office fifteen(15) days following his/her election. His/Her term of office shall normally be from 15 days after the Annual General Meeting to 15 days after the Annual General Meeting of the following year. The Treasurer shall make a financial report at the Annual General Meeting.

  7. Shall have signing authority for the organization.   



  1. Keep all the records of the Organization.

  2. Conduct the official correspondence of the Organization.  

  3. Issue notice of all meetings.

  4. Record and distribute minutes and agenda of all Executive, Board, Annual and Special Meetings to all members of the Executive and Board.

  5. Keep attendance records of all voting Board members.

  6. Maintain communications with team managers.



    In conjunction with the Vice–President, prepare and maintain the following:  

  1. An annual listing of all team managers, coaches and players complete with contact information.

  2. Prepare and maintain a listing of all team rosters including any necessary modifications or adjustments on RAMP.

  3. Distribute, collect, compile and submit Softball Manitoba Team Registration, addition and deletion forms, as required.




3.1  Annual General Meeting of the Organization  
The Annual General Meeting of the Organization shall be held once per year prior to December 31st. The meeting is open to all members. At least ten(10) days notice shall be given to all members. Such notice should include a call for nominations for all Executive positions. The Annual General Meeting shall be conducted with the following agenda:

  1.  Call to Order.

  2.  Recognition of voting members.

  3.  Corrections to, and adoption of, the minutes from the previous general meeting.

  4.  Executive and Team Reports.

  5.  Correspondence.

  6.  Unfinished Business.

  7.  Election of Executive (open to nominations from the floor).     

  8.  Motions to amend the Constitution and /or Policies and Procedures with Articles 4.4 and 4.5.

  9.  Motions to adopt the budget.

  10.  New Business.

  11.  Call to Adjourn.


3.2   Special General Meetings of the Organization


A Special General Meeting of the Organization must be called upon the written request of two or more Board members in good standing of the Organization. Such a request shall state the objectives of the proposed meeting. Special General Meetings are open to all members. At least ten(10) days notice shall be given to all members. Such notice should include a call for nominations for any Executive positions up for election at the meeting. Special General Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the following agenda:


  1.  Call to Order.

  2.  Recognition of voting members.

  3.  Corrections to, and adoption of, the minutes from the previous General Meeting.

  4.  Executive and Team Reports.

  5.  Correspondence.

  6.  Unfinished Business.

  7.  Special elections for vacant Executive position(s) if included in the stated objectives of the meeting    (open to nominations from the floor).

  8.  Motions related to the stated objectives of the meeting in accordance with Articles 4.4 and 4.5. 

  9.  New Business.

  10.  Call to Adjourn.


3.3  Board Meetings

The Board shall meet at the call of the President, who shall call at least four (4) meetings per year to conduct the business of the Organization. The Board shall have the power to adopt and/or amend written policies and procedures to assist in the consistent governance of the Organization by a majority vote at any Board Meeting in accordance with the provisions of Article 4.5. The scope of the Board’s mandate to govern is only limited by the Constitution, and extends to all matters related to finances and membership (inclusion, suspension or expulsion).     

3.4  Committee Meetings


 As required from time to time, for the efficient operation of the Organization.


3.5 Voting Privileges

Each member of the Board, present at a Board Meeting, Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting shall be entitled to cast a single vote. The President shall only vote in order to break a tie.


If a Board member misses three(3) consecutive meetings, his/her voting privileges may be suspended at the discretion of the Board until they have attended two(2) consecutive Meetings.                                  


3.5.1  At any Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting, the mother, father or legal guardian of any minor aged player in good standing or any adult player in good standing shall be entitled to cast a single vote per player on all motions and elections. 


3.5.2  The Head Coach of each team shall be entitled to cast a single vote on all motions and elections. 

3.6   Quorum


A quorum for all General and Board Meetings shall be a minimum of 50% of the current Board members.


3.7  Robert’s Rules of Order


Robert’s Rules of Order shall prevail at all meetings of the Organization except if they conflict with the Constitution, Policies and Procedures of the Organization.




4.1  Execution of Documents


The President or the Vice-President shall sign contracts, engagements and cheques on behalf of the Organization with the Treasurer or other designated Board member.


4.2  Fiscal Year


The fiscal year of the Organization shall end on the 30th of September annually.

4.3  Financial Responsibilities


The Organization shall maintain comprehensive and accurate financial records related to all player transactions as well as all other income and expenses related to the operation of the Organization, and shall at all times conduct itself in a prudent fiscal manner.


The President in conjunction with the Treasurer shall present a Proposed Budget for the upcoming fiscal year to the Board no more than fifteen(15) days after the identification of the teams to compete in the upcoming season. The Proposed Budget shall be debated and amended where deemed appropriate in preparation for its presentation and adoption at the Annual General Meeting. The previous year Actual Budget shall be closed ten(10) days prior to the Annual General Meeting.

4.4  Amendments to the Constitution


The Constitution may be amended by a 2/3 majority of the total available votes present at any properly constituted Annual or Special General Meeting. The proposed amendment must be distributed to all members at least ten(10) days prior to the Annual or Special Meeting.


4.5  Amendments to the Policies and Procedures Manual


The written Policies and Procedures of the Organization as ratified by the Board shall be published in a single document available to the members. New Policies and Procedures or amendments to existing Policies and Procedures may be adopted by a simple majority of the total available votes present at any properly constituted Board Meeting provided such a proposal is distributed to all Board members at least five(5) days prior to the Board Meeting. The five(5) days notice may be waived and changes to Policies and Procedures may be enacted immediately with the unanimous approval of the Board at any properly constituted Board Meeting.


4.6  Interpretation


In the event of any dispute as to the meaning of any article, policy or procedure, the interpretation of the Board, as determined by simple majority vote, shall be final and conclusive.

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