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Anti-Bullying Policy

All new athletes and parents/guardians must read and accept the Anti-Bullying Policy.

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Mission Statement
The Manitoba Thunder organization is committed to providing a caring, friendly, and safe environment for all athletes, coaches, and families to participate in the sport of softball, in a relaxed and secure atmosphere.

Bullying of any kind will not be tolerated. Should bullying occur, the incident will be dealt with in a prompt and serious manner.

What is Bullying
The definition of bullying is when an individual or a group of people, sometimes with more power or perception of having more power, repeatedly and intentionally cause hurt or harm to another person or group who feel helpless to respond. Bullying can continue over time, is often hidden from adults, and will probably continue if no action is taken.

What bullying is not
   - Single episodes of social rejection or dislike,
   - Single episode acts of nastiness or spite,
   - Random acts of aggression or intimidation,
   - Mutual arguments, disagreements, or fights.

These actions can cause great distress. However, they do not fit the definition of bullying, and they’re not examples of bullying unless someone is deliberately and repeatedly doing them. These are disrespectful behaviours though and should be addressed.

Bullying can be, but not limited to, in a repetitive and intentional manner:
  - Emotional, being unfriendly, excluding or tormenting,
  - Physical, pushing, kicking, hitting, punching or use of violence,
  - Racial, racially directed taunts or gestures,
  - Sexual, unwanted physical advances, contact or sexually abusive comments,
  - Homophobic, hurtful behaviour on an individual’s sexuality or gender,
  - Verbal, name calling, sarcasm, spreading rumours, teasing,
  - Cyber, misuse of any area of the internet, email, Instagram, Facebook, chat
    room etc., threats by text messaging, telephone, camera, video etc. 

Symptoms of Bullying
An individual being bullied may indicate this in certain signs or behaviours that should be at least investigated, such as the following:
  - Reluctant to go to practices or games.
  - Has possessions damaged or missing.
  - Performance falls off.
  - Becomes anxious, lacks confidence.
  - Cries often, afraid to tell what’s wrong.
  - Begins bullying others or siblings.

Bullying Procedures
Where a player(s), coach(es), are involved in an incident of alleged bullying, the coaching staff will attempt to resolve the issue with the parties concerned. Should this attempt fail to resolve the issue the incident is to be reported in writing to a member of the “Player/Coach Development Committee” who will deal with the issue.

All disciplinary action imposed by the “Committee” on the player(s), coach(s), parents etc., shall be final, which may result in a suspension or even removal from the team etc.

In the case of a parent(s), guardian(s), manager, or board member is involved in a bullying incident it is to be reported, in writing, to an Executive member who is not involved.

The Executive member in receipt of the written incident must inform the other Executive members who are not in conflict of interest. The Executive members will appoint a “Committee” to deal with the incident.

The parties involved will have an opportunity to address the “Committee”. The decision of the “Committee” will be communicated, in writing, to the Executive and the parties concerned.

All disciplinary action imposed by the “Committee” shall be final which may result in a suspension, removal from a position, playing/practice facilities or even the Thunder organization.

Bullying Prevention
The Thunder Organizations “Policies and Procedures” and the “Anti Bullying Policy” posted on the Thunder Website will serve as the written rules, detailing acceptable and proper behaviour for all concerned.

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